Happy New Year!!
It’s a new year and a new start! The beginning of a new season!
Many of us take this time of year to plan for what’s ahead.
What will this year hold? What challenges and opportunities will we encounter? Will there be healing or pain? Will there be joy or sorrow? Will everything change or everything stay the same?
So many questions! So many plans! Yet there’s not a one of us that truly knows what tomorrow holds, let alone the entirety of 2018!
My challenge to you this January is to stop planning and start listening! What does God have to say about 2018? What is He preparing you for? What is He asking you to give up or take on?
Ask him. Listen…And then write it down.
I have started a listening journal for 2018 to do just that. Not only will it be a great way for you to visually see what the Lord is saying to you, but it will become a testament of God working in your life for you to alway look back upon.
How does God speak?
God speaks in many ways: through His word, through prayerful listening, through song, through his people, through nature, and on and on. Don’t limit Him.
He is speaking to you all the time, if you’ll take the time to listen.
But the first step in listening to him is knowing His voice and understanding what it sounds like.
This is a lesson that God POWERFULLY taught me while I was in Scotland this past fall with Brave Worship​. This video is that story…

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