By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us—set us right with him, make us fit for him—we have it all together with God because of our Master Jesus. And that’s not all: We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand—out in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise. – Romans 5:1-2
“I’m standing where I never thought I’d stand” is the opening line of my new single, Something Beautiful.
And as I look back on the past few years, I never would have thought I’d be standing where I am today. My life looks very different than it did back then. But when God ignited a passion in my heart for singing and songwriting, something set ablaze in my heart that has only grown with time. The past 3 years has been a season of refining and narrowing my pursuits, until all that remained was what He had for me. It hasn’t been easy, but it has been worth it. It has been scary and fun and beautiful and at time painful, but mostly it’s been a journey of surrender. Most of the journey has felt like a “walk in the dark”. Challenging and faith building. It was kinda like this…
Walk in the Dark Short Story (Journal Entry 7.13.16)
I stood in front of a darkened hallway. Looking behind. Around. Looking at everything known, everything familiar, everything I could see. Why would I leave? Why would I enter the darkened hallway? I had but only knocked out of curiosity and the door, to my amazement, had swung wide open! A voice called, “enter”. “Enter?” I thought. Where’s the lightswitch? How will I know which way to go? Where to safely put my feet? Besides, I’m afraid of the dark. Afraid of the unknown.But what’s that? Did I see a tiny light? Yes! I see it! It’s ever so far away, ever so small. “Enter,” I hear the voice call again. And although I’m terrified, I’m compelled and too worried that I’ll miss out on an adventure, too sure that I’ll regret not stepping into that darkened hallway. What could be on the other side? Where does the light lead to? I must know!”
And so I walked, inching my way, but I wasn’t alone and God’s voice became a “lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”.
God calls us to trust the walk. But have you ever noticed that when you are walking in the dark, everything is a surprise?! Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and tried to walk the hallway to the restroom in the dark? Toys, legos, ahhh!….whether good or bad, everything that has happened in the past 3 year has surprised me! And even in the “not so fun” surprises, I knew that God was in control and that he was still good and that I would not turn back! I would praise him in the pain and in the waiting..I would embrace the uncertainty.
This walk in the dark has been one of discovering my purpose and there are so many wonderful details and moments with God that compile to bring this story together and I would need to write a book to describe them all to you. Moments when the lights came on and I would get a glimpse of all that He has for me. Glimpses of his glory. But as I learned to trust God and embraced the uncertainty, I started to enjoy the beauty of becoming who God has made me to be. I’ve learned to believe him with every beat of my heart. I’ve learned I could trust him with every burden, and every scar! And that I was only to believe and obey.
And that has been the key: obedience.
Obedience sometimes requires bravery. And thankfully bravery is not the absence of fear. Because I have been scared at each new part of the journey. And with each surrender I’ve wondered what the next step would be, but as I’ve trusted him, he has continued to guide me on my journey and make ways for me do what he has called me to do.
As I’ve continued to listen and obey, I’ve learned more and more about who I am in Christ and his purpose for me. I am first and foremost, his beloved child. That is the foundation upon which my purpose can build. Knowing who I am has freed me from others expectations and regulations and everything in between! I’ve come to understand that God has called me to be a dream-awakener. It is my job to help awaken the God-given dreams in others.
And so I ask you today: What is the dream in your heart? What is it that burns like fire in your soul? What is that makes you emotional when you think you may never get to do it? I have a sneaky suspicion that it’s probably linked to your calling.
Go after it! Go after it with everything you have! It will be nothing short of an adventure! And even though it will require blind faith, and sometimes a long walk in the dark. Know that each step you take leads you closer to the true light, the light that is Christ Jesus our Lord. For one great and glorious day we will literally step out of the darkness of this world and into the light of heaven! Our eyes will truly be opened to see all that God is and has been. And there will never be any more darkness, only light!
Something Beautiful Prayer:
When You confirmed my call to write and sing songs for You, I had no idea how that would become a reality. You continued to challenge me to let go of one thing after another, to have the courage to stand and say, “this is what God has called me to and I am going to follow it”. It has…and honestly still is…a walk in the dark. I have no idea where we are, let alone where we are going. All I know is you said to walk…so I’m walking.
The uncertainty and vulnerability has at times caused me great fear. I enjoy being in control, planning, knowing, yet this has left me with no other choice but to walk blindly, trusting you for every step I take.
But isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be? You calling the shots…me obeying? I don’t want to just be cooperative…I want to obey.
Continue to develop my trust in You. I really want to trust with abandon. You are Creator-God. You have give me lots of creative ideas. Don’t let me sit on them because I didn’t trust you enough! Let no vision go unseen! No dream unfulfilled! The vision is yours and what you speak you fulfill.
It’s my job, my privilege, to do my part; to work with joy toward that end, trusting you to fill in the pieces, to make the connections, to supply all the needs. I just have to be obedient, believe, surrender and we will all sit back and see your glory. For you are making something beautiful!
Amanda Blankenship
Something Beautiful
Available on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, Spotify
and many more!
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