Matthew 27: 50-53

50 Jesus passionately cried out, took his last breath, and gave up his spirit.

51 At that moment the veil in the Holy of Holies was torn in two from the top to the bottom. The earth shook violently, rocks were split apart, 52 and graves were opened. Then many of the holy ones who had died were brought back to life and came out of their graves. 53 And after Jesus’ resurrection, they were plainly seen by many people walking in Jerusalem.

I’ve always been intrigued by this part of the Easter story. I mean, what?! Other people came back to life? Who were they? What happened to them? So many questions. 🙂 But the bible doesn’t share any other information to us about this mind-blowing event. Some scholars speculate that perhaps one of the saints or “holy ones” brought back to life was Joseph. For he saw a resurrection coming and didn’t want to be left out and asked that his bones be taken along. (Hebrews 11:22) Wouldn’t that be amazing?


But putting all the questions and speculation aside,  that experience would have been: Terrifying. Amazing. Unforgettable.. I would have passed out. Just saying, I’ve done it many a time, and that would without a doubt provoke one!


Jesus’ death shook the very fabric of life! And his resurrection was so powerful that it raised other people back to life with him!


What could this passage say to us today? How do we apply such a thing to our own lives and journeys?


Just as Jesus faced his cross, many of you are facing “crosses” and “deaths” of your own. You are having to let go of things. Surrendering to the will of the Father. And the “death” and the journey have been hard, to say the least. It feels as though, it is the end. That this is it. But it isn’t! For on the other side of that cross is resurrection! Resurrection so powerful that it will bring life not just to you but to all of those around you! So hold on, friends, trust God in this process. I know it’s painful and difficult and more than you thought you could handle. But there is purpose in this season and the glory that is coming will far outway all that you’ve been through! Resurrection Day is coming!!




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