Do you believe that your sound, the song that God put into you has power?
God’s sound, his voice, created the world. Jesus’ voice told the wind to still, the lame to walk and the blind to see. And Romans 8:11 tells us that God’s Spirit of Resurrection lives in us!
That same power, that same Spirits voice lives in us! It is ALIVE AND ACTIVE in us!
And then he’s gifted us to be songwriters! Think about this..
Music finds its way to the heart with a swiftness that written word admires.
When we take the sound of our voice and couple that with music to create a song, we strengthen that sound even further, we set it on fire!
The BIBLE has many great examples – Walls of Jericho, Jehoshaphat’s Army in Chronicles, etc.
But many of us don’t live with that awareness, or speak with that caution, let alone sing or play with that authority. Why?
For many of us it is FEAR: the fear of man & the lies of the enemy.
“The fear of man will take away your song. This is why birds stop singing when you enter the forest.” – Ray Hughes
Friends it should be no surprise to us that satan would attack the area of your life where you have the most intimacy with the Father.
But what would happen? What could happen if we stopped believing the lies of the enemy, that we weren’t good enough, that our voice isn’t important, that we have nothing worth saying.
Listen to this true story:
Brother Claude Ely was born in 1922 in Puckett’s Creek, Va. When he was 12 years old, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis and was told that he would die as a child. His uncle Leander gave him an old guitar, which he would practice on his sickbed. What Leander didn’t know was he had given Claude a weapon.
While he was sick, Claude’s family gathered in his room where he was in bed and prayed for him. Claude boldly declared, “I am not going to die.” And began singing a song. Claude was supernaturally healed as he played his guitar and sang: “There Ain’t No Grave Gonna Hold my Body Down.”
The song became an anthem among churches in the Appalachian Mountains. And it was one of the last recordings Johnny Cash made.
Gladys Presley, Elvis’ mother, was a fan of Brother Claude Ely’s ministry, and some people remember Gladys and Elvis getting blessed at Brother Claude Ely tent revivals while Brother Claude Ely laid hands on them and prayed for them.
When your sound comes into alignment with HIS sound, that’s when things change. That’s when heaven and earth collide. That’s when healings happen. That’s where freedom is found.
And it is time, friends. Your voice needs to be heard. And if you still don’t believe it just take a look at Matthew 16:15. The Lord wants to hear who you say He is. Who do YOU say He is?
Who is he to you? What has he done for you? What do you want to see him do?
Write theses things. It’s time to find your song!
*Research sound patterns and sand resonance. You can also look into Rossalyn Chapel in Scotland and Frist Art Museum in Nashville for more information on how sound changes matter.

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