There are moments in life that you’ll never forget. Moments where time stands still and you’re aware of every breath, every thought. And they stay that way too, forever a moment that you can re-enter, living every part as if it were here and now.
March 15th was one of those days.
I had been very sick the days preceding: hospital visits, long days in bed, but it was a worship night. I wasn’t sure I was gonna be able to make it. I still felt very bad. But I knew that it would be good for my soul, so I decided to go anyway. I wasn’t gonna let this sickness keep me from singing!
The worship night was great! I always love singing with these ladies. They are true worshippers.

We finished the night out by stopping to get some sushi. Can’t beat that! Haha. We had a great time together, laughing and sharing like we always do. And then it was time to make the drive back home. Natalee, Deb and myself were together in Natalee’s car.
We headed onto the interstate and turned up the music. We were halfway home, on 270, nearing our exit when out of nowhere, something ran in front of us and we hit it dead on! The only thing I remember was seeing something tan. (Later found out it had been a deer or large dog).
What ensued next was loud noise, smoke and screams. When I realized what had happened my hands were covering my face. I could hear myself screaming and then I heard a voice in my head, say, “you’re okay”. I opened my eyes as the dust from the airbags was settling, and we were okay. My hands soon started throbbing and I instinctively unbuckled my seatbelt which had dug deep into my hip. I turned to look behind us and there was a semi and blue lights. We then realized that we were sitting right in the middle of the 4 lane highway. Natalee stepped out of the car and the semi driver got out too, to ask us if we were okay. She said yes and he said, “you need to get off the road”. Natalee jumped back in and we drove off the side of the road. The semi driver stayed behind us while we got off the road. And the blue lights were then seen to be a highway patrol that was keeping traffic back while we got to safety. We thought it was crazy that the police are already here! But as soon as we got off the road, the semi and highway patrol drove on past us. “Why didn’t he come over to help us?” we thought.

We made all the calls we needed to and waited for the highway patrol and the tow truck, while traffic zoomed past us. It all began to sink in. How were we okay? We had just come to a dead halt in the middle of the 270 and for what felt like forever, we sit there with NO traffic around us. A semi AND highway patrol were directly behind us, and stay behind us keeping traffic back, until we were off the road and safe?! And then disappeared once we were safe! We knew that the Lord had been our shield! A dome of safety all around us! Protecting us! We began praising the Lord and singing to him, thankful for his mighty hand!
I’m still recovering from my hip injury, but I am alive! And I am thankful for this moment in time that my God showed me that He is fiercely protecting me and you know what? It’s making me fearless!
“God, your wrap-around presence is my protection and my defense. You bring victory to all who reach out to you.” Psalm 7:10 TPT
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