Have you ever consider that rest could be a weapon? I’m in the middle of my morning walk today and I just realized that while everyone else is plugged in, listening to their morning jam, I have chosen silence. Me, the worship leader! Haha
I have been drawn to silence and stillness lately.
More specifically, I have sensed God calling me to a place of rest. There’s nothing special about it. Most mornings, there isn’t a soul around. Yet every morning, I pull in. My feet walk straight to the dock. And every step I get closer to it, I feel lighter and lighter. As I step onto the dock, feeling the water underneath me, all around me, I sit. Eyes filling with mist. Marveling at the beauty around. Taking it all in.
This has become a sanctuary of sorts. A physical place where I sense the peace and rest of God. It has strengthened me through many tough decisions, urgent prayers and even through bouts of physical pain.
The peace of God has become a weapon! When I choose His peace and take time to let it settle in my spirit, the enemies best advances toward me are crippled from the start. Chaos and confusion cannot live where peace abounds!
I am learning a deeper and deeper sense of where my strength comes from. And it isn’t in the striving and trying. And as Elijah learned, it isn’t in the wind or the earthquake or the fire. It’s in the whisper. The still small voice. A voice you’ll only hear when you enter into His rest.
Reference: I Kings 19
(Inspired by many conversations with some of our NOW – Women’s Ministry Team)
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